Monday, December 31, 2012

Projects Completed in 2012

In order of completion. Click on the text for related blog posts.

Linen Stitch Pillow w/ Fuzzy Navel

Troy's Lined Hat

Zig Zag Skirt

Malabrigo March Socks

Big Collar Bias T

Baby Boy Blue Bibs

Bias Asymmetric Scarf

Bibs & Blankets

Crossed Canoes Quilt

Zig Zag Socks (Jaywalkers)

Hourglass Socks

County Fair Raffle Quilt Block

Cowl with a Point

Whatevs Socks (Ravellenic Games Project)

Harris Tweed Socks

Hat for a Cowl with a Point

Knit Pie Crust

Snowflake Sweater

Foot Stool

Upcycled Gift Boxes
Felt Phone Covers

Double Knit Skull Cap

Brioche Scarf (Ravelry page)


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