I read that some people cut their yarn every row instead of carrying the third colour along or using an intarsia-in-the-round technique. I can't imagine!
For those interested in the details, I generally ran the end through a couple strands of the "purl bumps" on the back for...oh...7 to 8 stitches. (Or whatever worked at that location.)
Once the ends were worked in, it was time for a little duplicate stitch on the front. There was a spot where the pattern told you to skip some white stitches and to just stitch them on afterwards. And since it was before I thought of doing intarsia in the round, I followed the pattern's directions.
Here you can see half of the stitches have been done:
(Compare the right side which is done, and the left where one and half "V"s are missing.)

After the duplicate stitch:
you can see the entire pattern. Duplicate stitches are necessarily a little bulkier since the yarn is doubled there, but done right, they blend right in.

And doing it right is very easy to do. It's done with a needle and length of cut yarn. After threading the needle push it up from the back at the bottom of the stitch you need to copy:

Pull the yarn through and then insert the needle in through one top point of the V and out through the other. (I went right to left, but you could go either way.) The points are marked with little red dots in this picture:
Finally, you push the needle back down through the bottom point (orange dot) again to finish the stitch, and then you can come up through the bottom point of the next stitch (green dot) at the same time to start the next duplicate stitch:
Things move along rather easily and smoothly, and pretty soon I was done the front:

Later this afternoon, I then found time and energy to block the pieces. They're drying now:
and then it will have to wait until I'm ready to reinforce the armhole steeks, cut the steeks, sew in the sleeves, reinforce the other steek, cut the other steek, pickup stitches for the collar, knit the collar and sew on the zipper or Norwegian style clasps (haven't decided yet). That's all!

Now, let's hope I can soon transform "almost done" to done done!