But I did think it might be good to have some stated goals for 2010 just to provide a little structure to a few areas of my crafty life. I think my 2009 year review showed that I have no trouble getting knitted things done (!), but I would like to work on a few other things.

The big project would be to start (dare I hope--finish?) the quilting on my Hawaiian Star. I also have a few smaller quilting projects to finish if I need a change.
One way I hope to do more quilting is to put aside one Sunday afternoon a month. I've decided not to do this year's Red Purl afghan KAL, so I figure all those Sundays that I went to Red Purl over the past year, I could now use for quilting at home.
Second, I would really love to make this trench coat
out of red plarn. I have been saving up the red bags that my family has been faithfully collecting for me. The jacket is crocheted (not quite as enjoyable as knitting for me) but I hope that steady work will get it done over the year even if I don't work on it quite as obsessively as I do my knitting.
I realize plarn may not make the most comfortable garment, but I just can't resist the idea of a rain jacket made out of plastic bags. And doesn't a red jacket (maybe with white trim) just sound great!? I hope it works out...
The last big project I am considering is the Whistler sweater from Dale of Norway:
Considering the Winter Olympic games are at Whistler in February of this year, it would be perfect to do it then. But I'm not sure I'll be able to rally the supplies and clear my docket in time to start it then. I'm also considering doing it for NaKniSweMo in November. When I figure it out, you can be sure you'll be the first to know!
Of course, I will be working on many other projects throughout the year (including finishing up the woven cables sweater for Troy that is still sitting in time out), but I think these are the ones that I will need to make deliberate efforts to get done. And even to get them started--sometimes that's the hardest part.
Happy New Year, all!
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