Last night I printed and filled out the Entry Form and then pulled out everything I wanted to enter. I had in my head that there would be more, but the final number was 11 entries, one more than last year. They are:
1. Raffle Quilt Block: New York Beauty
Click on any picture to embiggen it.

3. Cardigan or coat: Whistler
I hope they'll not quibble about whether this is a "coat" or not. I don't know if they're strict about it needing a front opening. Or maybe my partial opening on the front will count.
Or maybe they'll be so dazzled they would give it the blue ribbon in any category I put it in...ok, just kidding, but I can dream.
4. Pullover-adult: Troy's Woven Cables Sweater
5. Blouse: Purple Mohair T
I think "blouse" is kind of an odd knitting category, but I'm pretty sure if this purple confection doesn't fit the bill, nothing will!
6. Vest or shell: Deep V Argyle Vest
I'm slightly worried about the look of the deep V neckline. I think it looks great when being worn, but it makes the garment look a little funny sitting flat. ::throws up hands:: We'll see.
7. Holiday ornament-knitted or crocheted: Easter Eggs
I'm not sure if they want me to just pick one ornament, but how could I chose? I'll submit them all as a group and just see what happens.
8. Knitted afghan larger than 36"x48": Red Purl KAL afghan
9. Colour Photography-Still Life: Symmetry of Trusses I
I took this picture last summer while we were still putting up the roof trusses on Troy's shop. I have always been fascinated by the repetitive pattern roof trusses make.
It seems every year I have a bunch of pictures to put in the still life category and almost none for any of the other categories (landscape, seascape, abstract, animals, head or figure, birds). It's sometimes hard to chose which one is the one!
10. Colour Photography-Head or Figure: Grandmas are Best
I took this one when the entire family went to the Dominican Republic a year and a half ago. I've always liked it, and finally decided it is enough "more than a snapshot" to submit.
At least it's a more serious entry than last year's [at the bottom of that post].
And I should note both photographs are framed, but you'll have to wait for the county fair results post to see them.
11. And finally, the always troublesome "Knitted-Any other knitted article not listed." I mean, that could be anything!
Here are the options I'm thinking about this year.
a. Belinda Shawl
b. VHS Tape Tote
c. Firestarter Socks
a. This is the most impressive of the three. But it's also the one I need to hang at Red Purl for the club I'm promoting. I'm thinking I'll save it for next year instead.
b. I really like to push the boundaries with entries like these. The last two years I have submitted crocheted plarn bags and I got 3rd and 2nd when I think there were no other entries. (They don't display by category so it's hard to know for sure, but I think so.) So, bottom line, I don't think the judges like my plarn items. But, I'm not in this just for the ribbons, so I might submit this one anyway.
c. Still can't believe there is no sock category. Socks have been a craze for about 10 years now. Cut the blouse category (who knits a blouse!) and put in a sock category already! So the socks end up in the miscellaneous category going up against all other crazy things. Doesn't seem right.
So why don't you help me out? Please vote on this poll:
That's what I've got going for this year's fair. I've shown you mine, now you show me yours!