Patterns and Tutorials

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fair Results

Sorry to keep you waiting...I worked the home arts table last night and got there early enough to take a look around and to take some pictures of my entries.
Red ribbon (2nd) on my pillow. (There were only two entries.) And a white ribbon (3rd) on my pink tshirt (pullover). First place was a really lovely grey short-sleeved sweater with a cable pattern up the front. I couldn't tell what the second place one looked like because it was all folded up.
Blue ribbon (1st) on my quilted wall hanging. I was a little surprised at this because it was in the 'under 45" ' category and there could have been a lot larger pieces in the category. (Mine's only about 12".) Usually size does matter in a category like this.
Also a blue ribbon on my skirt. Finally I didn't lose out to a sock in the "other" category. I thought if anything would win a grand champion, it would be this skirt but no such luck.
My gloves and hat won a blue ribbon. I was unsure how it would be received, but they must have liked them!

Now the photography...
No ribbon on my sock still life. :(
No ribbon on my "head or figure" either. How could you resist that smile? I joke that babies always win, but this year it was someone draped in the flag. I didn't think of the flag trumping babies. (Of course, in the black and white category, a baby won but it was a baby with wings. Sneaky.)

My other pictures did better...There's a red ribbon on my landscape (in the white frame below).
I think it lost to the forest scene in the middle of the upper row.

And my seascape had a blue ribbon!
I'm very happy with that because I've been trying for a seascape picture for a few years now.

And finally, the entry that caused me a roller coast ride on Saturday placed sixth:
It was a roller coaster ride because I kept "wandering by" the table where they had the blocks laid out but didn't know what system they were using to sort them. (It seemed obvious they were sorting them as they came in.) At first I thought I was in the reject pile. Then pretty high up. Then out of the placings but in the quilt. As I walked out I saw the ribbon on it. Sixth place. I'll take it!! :)

Here are all the blocks:
There were so many nice blocks! Here is a close up of the first place:
I didn't think a machine appliqued block would ever do this well, but it sure did. I really like the "painterly" feeling of the block. Lovely.

Here are the blocks they chose for pillows:
You can see there are a lot more pieced ones here (as opposed to applique). These are the ones you can bid on. I myself have tickets for the raffle quilt and I think this year's my year!

Here are the blocks from last year, now assembled:
They didn't have as many entries last year so they had arranged them for a twin quilt. It looks like whoever won the quilt opted to have it made into a "bed runner" instead. Or maybe a wall hanging. I find the setting a little dark, but the blocks look lovely.

Next year? The theme is "The Birdhouse." And so it starts again...

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