Patterns and Tutorials

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday Walk Wrap up

I don't plan to write every week, but I happened to finish another dish/wash cloth today.

I walked 4.5 times last week, and 2 more this week so far. That means 3.25 hours for this cloth.

And now that I see it in the picture, I think I maybe should have knit it a little longer to make it square. Ah well...I'll let that one pass.

When I started these cloths, I just took a guess at 40 stitches and that turned out to be the smallest size I would want to do. Next I jumped up to what I assumed would be the largest size at 60 stitches.

Here are the two together for some scale:
Next up will be the in between size. I guess that would make it the Goldilocks "just right" size!

Since I'm only out for a half hour, I try to keep the speed up so I'm actually burning some calories. It actually crossed my mind to wonder if I could knit while jogging. This is absolutely crazy since I hate jogging. Could knitting while jogging actually be any better?

I haven't tried it yet. If I do, I'll let you know...

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