Patterns and Tutorials

Friday, March 9, 2012


Where we started the day--a mass of potential.
1:29 pm EST On the bus...we have a toe! My first Sherman short
row toe. It's pretty slick; more details may come later.

2:34 pm CST I finish the first repeat of the pattern
before getting to the airport.
While waiting at the airport, I put down my knitting (there's only so much sock knitting I can do in a row...for my left wrist and hand, not for boredom!) and read the spring Vogue issue.
3:41 pm CST  I wonder if this Chanel dress is knit.
If it is, could I recreate it (with smaller sleeves).
If it isn't, what is it??

3:42 pm CST A quilted jacket in Vogue; and
it's neither frumpy nor dumpy!

4:18 pm CST Advertising for Italian cashmere. (You
all know cheap Chinese cashmere is evil, right? Staving
goats, degraded landscape, massive dust storms, you get
the idea.) Is it just me or is that right sweater kind of frumpy?
There were more on the following pages. Also frumpy.
Is frumpy in?

7:25 pm EST Back on the bus, I try the sock on for
the first time! (I know, I know, flash is evil. But the
bus was dark.)

9:29 pm EST End of the bus ride. I am just about
half done the heel (a Sherman again), which means
I am almost symbolically half way!!
Since no picture could convey it, let me add that Malabrigo Sock is a dream of smooshy softness and I still have very, very high expectations for these socks. It is like creamy butter; like golden honey (if honey came in a non-sticky version); like a little piece of woolly heaven. :sigh:


  1. Great progress in a short amount of time.
    I love knitting sox.
    Malabrigo sock is in my stash but haven't actually knit the sock weight yet. Just might have to be co before too long.

  2. Love hand made socks, what a talent you have to make them yourself! Beautiful!

  3. Thank you, both!

    Now that I'm done the first sock I can tell you, Gerry, to use your Mal Sock for your next favourite pair. It's just wonderful!!



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