Patterns and Tutorials

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sip n Knit KAL

This afternoon I joined a nice group of knitters at the Stein and Vine next door to Red Purl. We sipped and knit the afternoon away, most of us working on Pioneer, a Tshirt published in knitty. Besides being a nice pattern, it was also chosen because it is available in a wide range of sizes.

The wool I wanted to use, in Amy's custom colour, Michigan Cherry Blossom, did not arrive until Friday and I didn't have time to pick any up before today. I went in early to the shop this afternoon and found out Amy had held some aside for me since she knew I was planning on this colour. So nice of her! You see why I keep going back.
I bought the four skeins I needed and wound them into pretty little balls. And then set to casting on and getting the pattern set up. It took some concentration and counting to get it done correctly, but it was accomplished. Soon after, the party moved over to the Stein and Vine where we were graciously served drinks and could help ourselves to delicious snacks they provided.

Most of the group were working on the Pioneer. Almost everyone had a unique colour, and they all looked so good! There was much discussion about gauge and needle size. It will be great fun to see how all these Pioneers look as they are finished!

I am working the pattern without major modifications. I may put in some waist shaping, but that can wait until I get there.

I am changing the method of the C2B (Cable 2 Back). [I've also seen this called a Twist Right; it's just a right-leaning cable done over two stitches.] The pattern describes a method using a cable needle--it's ok, but rather ungainly compared to the following method which yields the identical result much more easily (and quickly):

Insert right needle as if to knit 2 together:Knit the two stitches, but DO NOT pull off left needle:
Now insert right needle into first stitch only:
and knit it:
Now pull both stitches off left needle:

When you look closely you can see how the two stitches are now twisted and lean to the right. In this pattern, this is done five times on every other row. That's a lot of reaching for the cable needle.

Using this method saves a lot of trouble and helps you to maintain the rhythm of your knitting. I've certainly never looked back since I learned about it. (I can't remember exactly where I read about it, but there's a good chance it was on the TechKnitter's very worthwhile blog.)


PS: If you're wondering, my wrist is feeling much better and I'm back to knitting at almost my regular rate. I'm so happy...and much more pleasant to be around again.


  1. it was so fun knitting with you on Sunday, I have started my Pioneer over and feeling more confident...thanks to your encouragement. I also apprecitated this tutorial...what a bonus keep knitting....Jenny Kupfer

  2. Thanks, Jenny! I thought it was fun knitting with you too. I hope your second start is going better for you. -c


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